"It's such a fine line between stupid
and clever."

- Nigel Tufnel

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 10- That Was Then But This Is Now

I feel like I haven't done silly lyrics here.  Silly lyrics are always harder to determine in terms of badness, since often they're not written to be deep or even necessarily make any sense.  I think the fine line is when the lyrics transition from being just goofy to sort of reaching a point and then collapsing.  THEN I can ridicule them.  For example, this gem from ABC's That Was Then But This Is Now...

"More sacrifices than an Aztec priest
Standing here straining at that leash
All fall down
Can't complain, mustn't grumble
Help yourself to another piece of apple crumble!"

Whoa.  THAT is bad stuff.  The rest of the lyrics are pretty awful and awkward too, but seriously.  How did the mustn't grumble/apple crumble line happen?!  I mean, that requires some thought.  It's actually a decent rhyme, and certainly original, but ugh.  Just ugh.  I'm actually not even sure if this counts as goofy lyrics.  Really just plain awful lyrics is more like it.

I'll be taking a break from the blog until next Monday.  Happy Holidays! 

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