"It's such a fine line between stupid
and clever."

- Nigel Tufnel

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 4- Popcorn

OK, I lied.  I was going to do the whole famous singer-songwriters writing bad lyrics theme this week, but you know what?  I'm too tired this week.  Don't worry, we'll get to them.  For now though, let's do something easy.  Something that is inarguably awful.  Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you....NEW EDITION!

Ah... "P" is for her personality
I said the "O" is for originality
And the other "P" is for the perfect love she gives to me
The "C" is just 'cause she loves me
And the "O" means she's the only love I got
And the "R" and the "N", our love will never end

Um.  Wow.  I don't know where to begin.  It's funny though.  Most of the lines are just dumb, but the last line is what stands out to me.  You can just see the thought process: 

Hey, let's ape off of James Brown's excellent funk song Popcorn. 
How are we going to do it? 
Oh I know, by making each letter stand for something. 
Yeah, let's do it!

Some time later...

OK, what about the R and the N? 

And that is likely a whole bunch of lyric sessions summed up in eight lines.

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